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What was the last traded share price of Bosch Ltd?

The last traded share price of Bosch Ltd was 20,579.20 down by -0.35% on the NSE. Its last traded stock price on BSE was 20,593.95 down by -0.26%. The total volume of shares on NSE and BSE combined was 21,881 shares. Its total combined turnover was Rs 45.28 crores.

What is Bosch's subsidiary?

The Company's subsidiary is MICO Trading Private Limited. What is the BOSCH share price? As of Today at 24:28 UTC, shares in BOSCH are trading at IN₹16,493.40. This share price information is delayed by 15 minutes.

What are the different types of Bosch shares?

Stock are classified on the the following spectrum: Super Stocks, High Flyers, Contrarians, Turnarounds, Neutral, Value Traps, Momentum Traps, Falling Stars, and Sucker Stocks. For more information, learn about our StockRank Styles. Is there a BOSCH share price forecast for 2021?

What is the NSE symbol for Bosch?

Bosch Ltd. NSE Symbol: BOSCHLTD | BSE Code: 500530 | ISIN: INE323A01026 | Sector: auto

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